Friday, September 25, 2009

The New Kingdom Of Egypt

"There was an explosion of creativity, wealth and power in Egypt that would make it the envy of the world. After defeating the Hyksos invaders, successive Pharaohs expanded and maintained their Empire through both force and diplomacy. In the process, they won Egypt vast amounts of gold, influence and respect." The New Kingdom was the most powerful time of ancient Egypt.

The New Kingdom Started in around1550 and ended around 1069 B.C. From the 17th 17th Dynasty to the 20th Dynasty. The New Kingdom was often referred to as Egyptian Empire. "This is the era in Ancient Egypt with which most of us are familiar because of the famous Pharaohs who reigned during this era"

In the New Kingdom was the building of the tombs of the "Valley of the Kings".
There were many great Pharaohs like Akhenaten,Tutankamun, Tuthmose and Ramses II also Queen hatshepsut, the first Female Pharaoh. With King Thutmose III as Pharaoh Egypt came to the height of its power. He sent the Military to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea under the Egyptian rule. source

In the time of the new kingdom ancient Egypt. They had many powerful kings. Egypt had taken over many lands around them with there the kings. In this time their military was every good.
"the new kingdom Egypt became a world power." source Google-books
The new kingdom had many great pharaohs and the first female pharaoh. Their legacy was for being every powerful, having a great government. The valley of the gods was in the time of the new kingdom a swell. Then new kingdom is the the era that most people now the most about, because of the famous kings.
book source: World History the Human Odyssey
Jackson J. Spielvogel
The Pennsylvania state University

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom was from 2050-1652 B.C. (Dynasty 11–Dynasty 13.)
In this time Egypt began to expaned. "The capital of Egypt was moved from Memphis in lower Egypt to Thebes in upper Egypt." The Egyptian called the Middle Kingdom"The Golden Age" a age of stability. source

In the Old Kingdom the Pharaohs had been seen as a god-king, segregated from his people. In the Middle Kingdom he was seen as a Shepherd for his people. "Under these kings, trade with foreign countries began again, irrigation projects were repaired, and the writing of texts started up from scratch. The power of the king, however, never really returned." source

The Government of the Middle Kingdom was some what based off of the Old Kingdom. However, there were many significant variations. "The Middle Kingdom rulers were able to extend Egypt's inference and Prosperity." Egyptian began to learn more, trade, and just grow as a country. Addition of that, they became a stronger nation, more powerful. It changed the direction of Egypt for the better. source-google books

In the Old Kingdom they started to build amazing pyramids. they all ready had a government set up. however, The Old Kingdom did not insure the growth and survival of Egypt. In The Middle Kingdom the Egyptian really started to grow, become a great nation. The Middle Kingdom was more Superior then the Old kingdom because of this.

The Middle Kingdom, or the golden age had been a period of growth for Egypt. "It came to a end around 1652 B.C with a invasion of Egypt by a group of people from waster Asia known to the Egyptians as the Hyksos." It's true that Egypt had grown for the better. However, that does not mean they were unstoppable. Book source "World Histoy: the Human Odyssey" pg 38

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt

"The Old Kingdom is often referred to as 'the Age of the Pyramids.' The time period covering the Old Kingdom is 2686 BC - 2181 BC." The Old kingdom is mostly famous for a lot of pyramids that were at this time in history for the burial places of the pharaohs ."The building of pyramids would not have been possible without a flourishing economy and a strong central government" source

In the Old Kingdom, many events had happened. For instance, "the most remarkable change is the transition of Step Pyramids to 'true' pyramids with smooth surfaces." So instead of Pyramids the looked kind of a stair way up to the top. It was smooth or you could say it was flat all the way to the top. source
Also, the First Pyramids was built in Saqqara, Egypt during the The 3rd Dynasty. In the reign of the 4th dynasty, the great pyramid of Egypt were built in Giza. To this day it is still standing as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. "the 4th dynasty has brought about several changes that set it apart from the first three dynasties." source

The Old Kingdom did not insure the growth and survival of Egypt. The Egyptian were are concerned with what was going to happen in there after life than in future generations. They had short life span and so it was very important to have a good after life. they would work for the pharaohs, building the pyramids because they believed that the more you did on this earth for the pharaoh the better your after life would be.
The legacy of the old kingdom had carried would not be forgotten. The burial custom were generally the same in the subsequent kingdoms of Egypt. The art of the old kingdom, the carving and decoration patterns were relatively the same. The old kingdom was the uprising of Egypt.