Saturday, October 30, 2010

Charlemagne King of the Franks

"The greatest of medieval kings was born in 742, at a place unknown. He was of German blood and speech, and shared some characteristics of his people- strength of body, courage of spirit, pride of race, and a crude simplicity many centuries apart from the urbane polish of the modern French. He had little book learning; read only a few books- but good ones; tried in his old age to learn writing, but never quite succeeded; yet he could speak old Teutonic and literary Latin, and understood Greek." This Quote is talking about Charemagne, which means Charles the Great. His name was very much deserved. He built up an amazing empire as one King, and changed history forever. Link

Not much at all is own about Charlemagne's childhood, but we do know about his wonderful life as a ruler. At the age of 28 he become King of the Franks ( which is now days France.) However, this was only when he bother Carloman died in 711 giving the whole kingdom to Charlemagne. From there a whole new empire started to bloom. He was a great leader, taking his people on over fifty military expeditions. This causing the kingdom to grow. By 800 he had speared it over most of Western Europe, places like The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, many other, and of course Franc. One of the keys to his, or anyone, susses was to be organized

Charlemagne had not got this point of authority by bring merciful, But instead by inputting justice and being ferm. One would have to be with so much land to over rule and keep in order. He liked to always knew what was going on in his kingdom. Every law was to be followed and in forced. However, he did let other religions keep to their way to the most part.

An amazing part about Charlemagne was that he would neither really write nor read. However, he still learned many many different languages and had read many books ( by having them read out loud of course) It was not that he was stupid and could not learn these things, for indeed he was a very smart man. It was just that it was not the way of the Frankish Nobles, they saw it as a waste of their time, so really it was just a tradition.

Charlemagne, truly deserved his name, Charles the Great. He had created a whole new age that change history as we know it today. Over coming things like not being able to read or write very well, and yet still archiving conquering tons of powerful lands. However, most every thing has to come to an end. In 810 he died, leaving his empire to his thee sons splitting up the lead. This cause to the power to wakened and lead to the fall of the Charlene empire .

Monday, September 13, 2010

Trade and Slave-Trade Within The Islamic World

The Arabic world was a great and powerful world. An important factor to the success was trade through out the known world with the imam ( the Islamic community ). Much would be traded, however, one of the vital things were slaves. The Islamic empire in theory was based upon equality. However, this was only for Arabic men, women and slaves did not have nearly the same rights. Slaves could not be Muslim there for they had to come from different places. The slaves were either captured in war, or they came by trade. Link

"The relationship between Islam and trade is not well appreciated in the West. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his wife Khadija were both merchants. The Qarun the Muslim scripture, is filled with parables using the language of trade. It was merchants, not soldiers, who were mainly responsible for the spread of Islam throughout the world."

The Quran encouraged people to trade, and grow prosperous. Unlike other societies, where the men that went off to war were just the heroes. In the Arabic world merchants, scientist , teachers... etc. were all looked up to. Muhammad was a merchant and so was most of his family was as well. Trade was a big part for the spread of Islam. With the trade of slaves they helped support the society because they would be sent to fight with the other men, and the slaves help with the house hold leaving less work for the owners. However, something to remember was that empire was not grand because they had the work of slaves like Rome or Greece, but because of the minds and works of the community. Link

Slave trade within the Arabic would was not like, other slavery we have seen though out the years. Their slaves were treated much more fairly then other slaves have been. The Quran told Allah's people to treat their slaves well. They would be feed and clothed very well for a slave. Also, it would be considered a act of atonement because of sin to free ones slave. A slave owner was so never hurt his slave, there is this saying, "who ever kills his slave, we will them." Link

Another thing that was different about their slavery was, The Arabic people didn't just in slave one type of people. Anyone no matter want race, color, anything like that, other then a follower of Allah, they could have been a slave. There was also, not a specific racial group, party because "Arabs" were not a specific race. Some would be European, others middle eastern, other would be African. Link, Source
Trade was important in Arab peninsula world because it was the crossroad to Asia and Europe. Trade was vital to the development. "caravan routes became trade arteries that made life possible in the sparsely populated peninsula." Lotion was very important with trading. Constantinople was a great trading place because it connected Europe and Asia, Cairo was also, a great trading place because it was in between Africa and Asia. Last but not least, Cordoba was a trading place for Europe and Africa. source

Camel caravans was how most things got transported if not by ship. Many things came from Asia, like spices. Spices were very expensive and was something very body wanted. Along with spices, things like salt, gold, and silver were all things brought from Asia. The routs that they look were kept secret. Many discovers tried finding a way to get to Asia for there goods. This was how America was discovered.Link