Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Spartans of Greece

When we think of Greece, most of us think of Athens. In city-state that was all about learning, philosophy, arts, and splendid buildings. However, Athens or even Greece would not be the same Greece that we know today if there was not a every important city-state called Sparta. link

Sparta is located in southern part of the Peloponnese in Greece. "They learned reading and writing for basic needs, but all the rest of their education was that make them well-disciplined and steadfast in hardship and victorious in battle." The Spartans were warriors, All the man in there city-state would go off to war at the age of seven. Source

The Spartans life was all about the army, in this it made so there was no time for anything else.
They had lots of courage to do what they did. When there wife would send them off to war it would be a home come a hero or come home dead. The women in this society were very brave because they had to send there men off to war. Source-google books link

The fact that war and there army was the most important part of there society, they conquered many city-states around them. Also, they were always at war with Athens. The Spartans worked as a team very well. They were learned and worked at this, it is what made them great.Link

The Spartans did many great things, however there were many things that when we think about were horrible. What we need to do this learn from the good, there team work was amazing. the team work is what help save that country. If not for the Spartans there would not be the Greece that we know today. source-google books

1 comment:

  1. "All the man in there city-state would go off to war at the age of seven."

    War or training for war?

