Friday, September 25, 2009

The New Kingdom Of Egypt

"There was an explosion of creativity, wealth and power in Egypt that would make it the envy of the world. After defeating the Hyksos invaders, successive Pharaohs expanded and maintained their Empire through both force and diplomacy. In the process, they won Egypt vast amounts of gold, influence and respect." The New Kingdom was the most powerful time of ancient Egypt.

The New Kingdom Started in around1550 and ended around 1069 B.C. From the 17th 17th Dynasty to the 20th Dynasty. The New Kingdom was often referred to as Egyptian Empire. "This is the era in Ancient Egypt with which most of us are familiar because of the famous Pharaohs who reigned during this era"

In the New Kingdom was the building of the tombs of the "Valley of the Kings".
There were many great Pharaohs like Akhenaten,Tutankamun, Tuthmose and Ramses II also Queen hatshepsut, the first Female Pharaoh. With King Thutmose III as Pharaoh Egypt came to the height of its power. He sent the Military to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea under the Egyptian rule. source

In the time of the new kingdom ancient Egypt. They had many powerful kings. Egypt had taken over many lands around them with there the kings. In this time their military was every good.
"the new kingdom Egypt became a world power." source Google-books
The new kingdom had many great pharaohs and the first female pharaoh. Their legacy was for being every powerful, having a great government. The valley of the gods was in the time of the new kingdom a swell. Then new kingdom is the the era that most people now the most about, because of the famous kings.
book source: World History the Human Odyssey
Jackson J. Spielvogel
The Pennsylvania state University

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