Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Greeks and Egyptians

"The arrival of the Greeks brought an unprecedented amount of change in Egypt as they overlaid the existing society with that of their own." The Greeks and Egyptians influenced each other in many ways. Mostly In the art and architecture, and in religion. Also, they changed each other because of trade. source

The Egyptians had a long lasting artistic tradition. The Greeks art the very much so based on their history. However, they used many of the same subjects mostly the same symbols. There art, meant different thing to each other. source google.books source

With Different rulers coming to rule the culture would be the same in some ways. Alexander the III, or Alexander the great took over Egypt and had a influence on them even more so then before. "Greek travelers had actually been visiting Egypt for centuries, many of them setting up trading colonies or acting as mercenaries." source

"Greek temples are most famous part of Greeks architecture. They combine the Greek tradition of the megeron house with the Egyptian temple to make a new simple, and elegant from." The Greeks and Egyptians would combine ideas from one in other. this was easy because the Greeks were working in Egypt from time to time. source

The Egyptians were polytheistic ( they had more then one god, many in fact.) Also, were the Greeks. Then the Greeks come in to their land the Egyptians started worship their god and the Greeks. The Egyptians got ideas from the Greeks, and the Greek did the same as the Egyptians. They could take a idea and build on it and make it better, just as we should to do. source

1 comment:

  1. Nice use of multiple sources to construct your paraphrases.

